It's me again.. because have so many friends and Family that live so far away I really needed to get back to blogging. I am originally from Utah and moved to NC my senior year of high school in 1993. I have been married, then divorced after 7 years of marriage. I was going to move back to Utah but I had a great job then and I was traveling alot so I decided to stick it out. I met Tony, He was my boyfreind for 6 years But Now we are married. We both have had bad marriages so we took out sweet time making sure we make this last! He has 3 daughters in which two of them have babies of their own. So yeah I am sorta a Grandma.... BUT Yet again another life changing moments, YES we moved to Utah... We just decided to be with my family and get out the small town that Tony was raised in. Alot has came our way and we are just getting ajusted..... Life is good and we are surrounded by great family friends. I miss my friends in NC, and hope to see them soon!! As life changes( which is the case just about everyday ) I will post as life carries me through the good and the bad!!
That photo thing is so cute how did you do that?